UCL Uncovering Politics

How to Transform Our Politics

Episode Summary

This week on UCL Uncovering Politics we’re exploring the argument that politics – and indeed the study of politics – would be better if we rooted it more firmly in everyday life.

Episode Notes

Uniquely, this week we are discussing both a new publication and a new institution. 

The publication is a book called Out of the Ordinary: How Everyday Life Inspired a Nation and How It Can Again. This book examines the political thought of a group of writers and artists in mid-20th-century Britain, centred around Dylan Thomas, George Orwell, and J.B. Priestley. Their ideas, it argues, offer a vision for how to overcome the polarisation and alienation of our politics today.

The institution is the UCL Policy Lab, which was launched earlier this week, and which seeks to bring together UCL’s top political scientists and economists with policymakers and others in order, we hope, to foster positive change.

Professor Marc Stears, the author of Out of the Ordinary and the inaugural Director of the UCL Policy Lab, joins Uncovering Politics this week.

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